Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Jung Personality Test

Melissa Hohgrefe
Professor Kelly Anthony
English 101-113
18 January 2014
 Refection to my Type Indicator as a Student and Writer
              This is like one of the fortune cookies you read; "you are nice, you will be rewarded" and you're suppose to be over here saying "Oh my god girl! Come look at this! This thing knows everything!". With that opening statement I hope you perceive my thoughts on these kinds of things.
Anyway I will at least touch base, in an honest manor, on the portrayal of me as a writer and student.
             In relation to me as a student I feel the information is pretty good;
"Tend to be focused, hard working,
and follow through on the details of a project.".
I don't always follow through with the details of the project. That I tend to bend and play with as a student, I have more fun that way, but, I do agree with hard working. I give a darn good swing at something when I feel I can. "Dislike theoretical information that has no perceived relevance" Oh yes, very much, slap some color on it and tone down the jargon and you'll have me. "Prefer to study in a group" now that's a sometimes kind of thing, probably due to;
"Find it difficult to concentrate
when surrounded by conflict or friction"
I hate drama, I can only stand it for a short amounts of time before I wonder away. Me as a writer "Use a past writing format that was successful" can you tell I was in a creative writing class back in the day? Just whole year ago and some change. Loved it, made me not hate the English language entirely. This also states that I "Benefit from revising their writing to include the main thesis and omit unnecessary personalized information" yes I do. Had to fix that for a paper last semester, but I have learned since then... or have I?!
             In conclusion, I agree more than disagree on the University of Saskatchewan's Student Employment & career Centre's, and yes the document does state centre, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator on ESFJ's Student and Writer portrayal of me. "Procrastination may also result from disagreeing with their instructor or a discriminatory and unwelcoming classroom environment." . Would you look at that Ms. Kelly you've made a good impression on me, I believe I feel welcomed.

Work cited
University of Saskatchewan, comp. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator on ESFJs. Publication. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.